Hometown$35642$ - translation to Αγγλικά
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Hometown$35642$ - translation to Αγγλικά

Home town; Hometown (TV Series); Hometown (disambiguation); Home Town; Hometown (album); Hometown (song); Hometown (TV series)

n. Hometown (stad in staat Ilinois, V.S.)
the Holy         
Draft:Deltarune, Chapter 1; Deltarune soundtrack; Soundtrack of Deltarune; Rouxls Kaard; Deltarune, Chapter 1; Deltarune Chapter 1 OST; Deltarune Chapter 2 OST; ANOTHER HIM; Another Him; Beginning (Deltarune); School (Deltarune); Card Castle; Imminent Death; Scarlet Forest; Thrash Machine; Quiet Autumn; Checker Dance; I'm Very Bad; Field of Hopes and Dreams; Weird Birds; Empty Town; Rude Buster; Vs. Lancer; Vs Lancer; Vs Susie; Vs. Susie; April 2012 (song); April 2012 (Deltarune); Hip Shop; Chaos King (song); Chaos King (Deltarune); THE WORLD REVOLVING; The World Revolving; THE HOLY; Your Power (Deltarune); A Town Called Hometown; Before the Story; You Can Always Come Home; Faint Glow; My Castle Town; Ohhhhohohoho!; A CYBER'S WORLD?; A CYBER'S WORLD; A Cyber's World?; A Cyber's World; A Simple Diversion; Almost To The Guys!; Almost To The Guys; Almost to the Guys; Almost to the Guys!; Cool Beat; When I Get Mad I Dance Like This; When I Get Happy I Dance Like This; Cyber Battle; Cyber Battle (Solo); Sound Studio; Smart Race; Faint Courage; Faint Courage (Game Over); WELCOME TO THE CITY; Mini Studio (song); Mini Studio (Deltarune); Holiday Studio; Cool Mixtape; HEY EVERY !; HEY EVERY; NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A; Now's Your Chance to Be A; Now's Your Chance to Be a; BIG SHOT; Elegant Entrance; Bluebird of Misfortune; Pandora Palace; KEYGEN; Acid Tunnel of Love; It's Pronounced "Rules"; It's Pronounced Rules; Attack of the Killer Queen; Giga Size; Powers Combined; Knock You Down !!; Knock You Down (Deltarune); The Dark Truth; Digital Roots; Deal Gone Wrong; A Real Boy; A Real Boy!; Dialtone (song); Dialtone (Deltarune); Chill Jailbreak Alarm To Study And Relax To; Until Next Time; Now’s your chance to be a big shot!
de Heilige (de Rechtvaardige, de Verhevene, het Opperwezen, de Almachtige)
big shot         
Draft:Deltarune, Chapter 1; Deltarune soundtrack; Soundtrack of Deltarune; Rouxls Kaard; Deltarune, Chapter 1; Deltarune Chapter 1 OST; Deltarune Chapter 2 OST; ANOTHER HIM; Another Him; Beginning (Deltarune); School (Deltarune); Card Castle; Imminent Death; Scarlet Forest; Thrash Machine; Quiet Autumn; Checker Dance; I'm Very Bad; Field of Hopes and Dreams; Weird Birds; Empty Town; Rude Buster; Vs. Lancer; Vs Lancer; Vs Susie; Vs. Susie; April 2012 (song); April 2012 (Deltarune); Hip Shop; Chaos King (song); Chaos King (Deltarune); THE WORLD REVOLVING; The World Revolving; THE HOLY; Your Power (Deltarune); A Town Called Hometown; Before the Story; You Can Always Come Home; Faint Glow; My Castle Town; Ohhhhohohoho!; A CYBER'S WORLD?; A CYBER'S WORLD; A Cyber's World?; A Cyber's World; A Simple Diversion; Almost To The Guys!; Almost To The Guys; Almost to the Guys; Almost to the Guys!; Cool Beat; When I Get Mad I Dance Like This; When I Get Happy I Dance Like This; Cyber Battle; Cyber Battle (Solo); Sound Studio; Smart Race; Faint Courage; Faint Courage (Game Over); WELCOME TO THE CITY; Mini Studio (song); Mini Studio (Deltarune); Holiday Studio; Cool Mixtape; HEY EVERY !; HEY EVERY; NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A; Now's Your Chance to Be A; Now's Your Chance to Be a; BIG SHOT; Elegant Entrance; Bluebird of Misfortune; Pandora Palace; KEYGEN; Acid Tunnel of Love; It's Pronounced "Rules"; It's Pronounced Rules; Attack of the Killer Queen; Giga Size; Powers Combined; Knock You Down !!; Knock You Down (Deltarune); The Dark Truth; Digital Roots; Deal Gone Wrong; A Real Boy; A Real Boy!; Dialtone (song); Dialtone (Deltarune); Chill Jailbreak Alarm To Study And Relax To; Until Next Time; Now’s your chance to be a big shot!
big shot (iemand die talent heeft, invloed heeft, opmerkelijk karakter)


also home town (hometowns)
Someone's hometown is the town where they live or the town that they come from.
N-COUNT: with poss



Hometown, HomeTown, or Home Town may refer to:

  • A hometown, the town where someone lives or the town that they come from, typically their place of birth.
  • In developing nations particularly: native place, village of origin in newly urbanized societies.